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According to information from Apotheke Adhoc, Swiss drug wholesalers Zur Rose are interested in buying the DocMorris brand.

Two weeks ago, Zur Rose held a meeting at its headquarters in Frauenfeld with investors, to discuss a possible takeover at a price of EUR 30 million. Established in 1993, Zur Rose has current plans to work in Germany with other pharmacies. A real conflict of interest occurs though, as previous owners 0 the Stuttgart wholesaler Celesio – will not work with them.

Zur Rose operates a mail order pharmacy in Switzerland. For foreign business, Zur Rose Pharma in Halle acts asa service provider for the German mail-order pharmacy, as well as the OTC-Discounter VfG and logistics centre in the Czech town of Ceska Lipa.

[ilink url=““] Link zur Quelle (Zur Rose)[/ilink]