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The PR agency Advance Healthcare looks after digital health startups, finding out every day how innovations from telemedicine and e-health can be integrated into the care of the German population. One of the company’s specialties is the dissemination of press releases via, for example, blogs and newsletters such as „Digital Health News“.

Recently, the company released a ranking list of the 27 German digital health startups that achieved an investment in the first quarter of 2021. That’s about two investments per week. Mostly, these are smaller single-digit million amounts between one and seven million, Advance Healthcare explains. Often, the sums are not published at all. According to the statistics, the 27 German digital health startups with investments accounted for 73 million euros in the months from January to March 2021; that is, an average of 0.81 million euros per day. One investment, in particular, stood out, however: Berlin-based dental splint startup Plusdental raised the highest amount of funding in March, €35 million. By comparison, 13 other digital health startups only collectively raised a similar amount. With Mario Götze on board as a well-known professional soccer player and venture capital (VC) investor, Plusdental is primarily trying to attract young people as customers.

In the last ten years, the regions of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have recorded 900 million as the combined investment sum in digital health startups. This is 81 times less than in the USA, where $7.1 billion was invested in the first quarter of 2021 alone.

Nevertheless, the listing and Advance Healthcare’s daily analysis shows that Germany and the DACH region are interesting markets for investments in young digital health companies; even now in times of the Corona pandemic. The changing times show a trend towards investments in digital solutions.
