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An app for the aftercare of patients with breast, colon and prostate cancer was developed by the Oncological Focus Stuttgart e.V. and the Cancer Association of Baden-Württemberg in order to provide useful support for patients with this type of diagnosis following therapy. The aftercare app includes, amongst other things, an exercise programme that is designed to rebalance the health and fitness of these severely ill people. Exercise and physical activity have been shown to reduce the potential risk of contracting a second disease, according to experts from the Oncological Sports and Exercise Therapy working group at the National Centre for Tumour Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg and Heidelberg University Hospital, who are the developers of the aftercare exercise programme. Moderate sports programmes are also aimed at fighting the fatigue syndrome, which consists of tiredness and exhaustion, and at supporting the lymphatic system so that those affected can soon be reintegrated into everyday life. The app can be used free of charge as an „Onko NachsorgeAktiv“ app for people with smartphones (Android and IOS operating systems) and only needs to be downloaded. However, the application can do more, such as rhythmically storing follow-up appointments and managing other doctor’s appointments. It also has a medication plan, stores medical reports and findings and the like. Furthermore, events related to the three types of cancer are pointed out and central contact addresses are transmitted, which the user can also add himself. The user’s data is not transmitted to the server without consent so that the application works offline.

Source: Ärzteblatt