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The City of Vienna has recently taken a different approach to contacts between people who have come into contact with a carrier of the coronavirus. They would actually have to report daily from home quarantine to the Austrian authorities and doctors in order to be informed about their state of health. However, an increased volume of communication by telephone makes it impossible to deal with all the people, 757 of whom were affected last week. The alternative is a new app called „Homecare“, which then provides mandatory online information about the state of health of those affected with symptoms such as colds, coughs and fevers. The daily telephone call is no longer necessary after downloading and filling in forms, so that the burden on the City of Vienna’s health service, to which the form is sent in encrypted form, can be reduced. Normally the test evaluation takes three days. Shortening the waiting time was also one of the intended reasons for developing the app because people with Covid-19 symptoms are given preferential treatment. Your test evaluation will then be completed more quickly. The electronic delivery also has the advantage that clinic and hospital capacities in Vienna and the surrounding area can be better planned. Anyone wishing to be activated for app users must first register with the municipal health service and contact them to obtain a TAN code. The Austrian authorities (own website) warn people who want to inform themselves about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease COVID-19 not to trust platforms like Facebook & Co. because information could be dubious and wrong.
