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Strangely enough, in Europe and in the USA – in New York State there are 64 cases so far, with further cases in other states – the disease has been reported in children with symptoms similar to those of Kawasaki’s syndrome. Scientists are puzzling whether the symptoms – for example, inflammation of the blood vessels, fever and skin rash – could possibly be related to an infection with the sars-CoV-2 virus. However, an initial suspicion has not yet provided a definitive answer, so experts and scientists are warning against scaremongering. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and doctors‘ associations also warn parents against exaggerated fear, because not in all cases has an infection with the coronavirus been proven. In most cases, the course of Covid-19 lung disease in children can be described as quite harmless. Nevertheless, scientists advise keeping a close eye on the development of the disease in children, because Spain, Italy, Great Britain and Switzerland, as well as Germany, have also reported mysterious symptoms like those mentioned above, which cannot yet be correctly attributed. In addition, scientists have already reported the unusually severe disease in the journal „Hospital Pediatrics“.
