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By definition, open access is the free access to scientific literature and other scientific materials on the web, which the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) supports if the demonstrated benefit of the publication mode for the scientific context is recognizable.

All relevant background information, science policy positions and funding programs of the initiative, which operates as a registered association, can be found on the DFG’s new website. Accordingly, the self-governing body for the promotion of science and research in Germany calls for free access to publications so that scientists can openly and quickly share scientific results, especially in times of pandemics.

Accordingly, experts led by DFG President Katja Becker explain that results from DFG-funded research projects should be published in open access.
Two funding programs are available for this purpose in Germany. The „Open Access Publication Costs Program“ grants subsidies for publication fees, since publishers usually charge for the publication of research results. The other funding program, entitled „Infrastructures for Scientific Publishing,“ ensures the establishment and expansion of infrastructures for publications that require structural frameworks.

However, the DFG is not only committed to open access in science and research in Germany, but also internationally, as can be seen on the new website, because an open and research-friendly level is a basic prerequisite for good communication in the sciences.

Source: DFG