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The Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) has just made the decision in Berlin that patients who might be threatened with amputation of the foot as a result of diabetic foot syndrome can obtain a second opinion from a doctor with expertise in this field, which would be financially supported by the health insurance companies of the patients concerned. According to the Federal Joint Committee, an independent medical second opinion procedure should ensure that less invasive but conservative alternative treatment options are not ruled out in individual cases, such as surgical wound cleansing of the affected foot, therapy by means of pressure relief, treatment of infections and measures to promote circulation in order to avoid amputation due to poorly healing wounds. Up to now, there has only been a claim to a qualified second opinion for operations on palatal and pharyngeal tonsils, for women for removal of the uterus and for operations on the shoulder joint using arthroscopy. Affected patients with diabetic foot syndrome can find detailed information about doctors for a second opinion on the Internet on the website of the medical on-call service. Doctors must also be specially qualified if they apply for and bill the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians for permission to give a second opinion. Specialists in internal medicine and angiology; internal medicine and endocrinology as well as diabetology; vascular surgery; general practitioners with the additional title of diabetology as well as internal medicine with the same additional title are entitled to a second opinion after application and approval. In addition, IQWiG, as the Institute for Health Care Efficiency, was commissioned to compile independent and scientifically sound information on this topic, which will be published on the Institute’s website and can be consulted.

Source: Ärzteblatt