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According to an analysis by Bitkom (German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media e.V. ), the German population has a growing need for information on healthcare topics. According to the study, information is increasingly being sought on the Internet, for example after a visit to the doctor or sometimes even before. A survey of 1,157 people aged 16 and over showed that six percent of people use the Internet to do further research after a visit to the doctor following the Corona pandemic.

Sixty-seven percent want to learn more about diagnosis and therapy as well as alternative treatment options afterward, the survey showed. 14 percent surf the Internet regularly after a doctor’s visit, 30 percent only sometimes and 23 percent rarely. The digital source of information strengthens the sovereignty of patients, explains Bitkom expert Ariane Schenk.

However, the motivation for the increased need for information is quite different. 68 percent search the Internet for alternatives to the therapies prescribed or suggested by doctors, 63 percent research general information, 56 percent believe they can find a second opinion, and 44 percent look for alternative medications for their clinical picture.

However, there are also patients who cannot remember all the information from the doctor’s consultation in detail (25 percent) and 23 percent who did not understand their doctors‘ explanations and therefore seek additional advice on the web. 14 percent do not trust their doctors‘ diagnosis and therefore seek information. People also look for clarification on the Internet before visiting their doctor. Over half of patients do so in this way, with women (61 percent) more interested than men (51 percent).
