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Siemens Healthineers provides Syngo Carbon, a software solution for clinical image and report generation in the radiology sector. The health tech company Smart Reporting has developed reporting software called „SmartReports“ that will now be linked and integrated with Siemens‘ system. Information about findings with image-based material can improve workflows and collaboration across departments.

This turns two software solutions into one integrated solution, which is eligible for funding because it fulfills three funding criteria of the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) and expands and advances clinical digitization.

Syngo Carbon then standardizes image management, data archiving, and report generation across all hospital departments as an integrated system. In this way, the Siemens software integrates a uniform software environment with diagnostic reporting. Clinical images and data sets are thus also processed in an improved form, patient-centered and at the same time data-driven. In addition to improving interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitating workflows, the priority is to increase diagnostic certainty while optimizing the treatment plan and its planning.

All of this contributes significantly to quality assurance in hospitals and clinics because the centralized provision of data sets increases interdisciplinary decision-making in treatment and efficiency in diagnosis and therapy. The structured report templates of the „SmartReports“ software also support the work habits of medical professionals, as reports can still be absolved or written. The data is then processed so that the digitally available documentation can be evaluated on an AI basis. Clinical research is also supported in this way.
