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The statutory health insurance funds record a deficit of 1.6 billion euros for 2019. This compares to a plus of two billion euros for 2018. Since 2015, the statutory health insurance (GKV) has thus been reporting losses in the billions for the first time again, as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), which has made its own calculations on the GKV deficit, knows. Last year, the health insurance companies‘ expenditure on services per insured person rose sharply because expenditure on medicines and remedies, in particular, was above average. This could not be covered by income from the SHI contributions of the insured. The substitute funds, for example, recorded an increase in expenditure of 5.6 percent for 2019, which was two percentage points higher than income. 859 million euros in losses were thus incurred in 2019. In 2018, a surplus of 561 million euros was still generated. The preliminary data of the SHI associations among the member funds were collected and form the basis of this calculation. According to these data, the AOKs (Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen) also generated a deficit of 122 million euros, while they achieved a surplus of 1.1 billion euros in 2018. The guild health insurance funds also recorded a deficit of 231 million euros in 2019, while a surplus of 77 million euros was registered in 2018. The Knappschaft Bahn-See is not doing any better, because a plus of 91 million euros is followed by a minus of 58 million euros. The situation is similar for the company health insurance funds. Losses of 295 million euros for the year 2019 follow after a good year with 198 million euros in the plus.
