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People who sit too much and all the time during the day have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes or even cancer, according to studies and health experts such as the cardiologist at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, USA, Professor Erin Donnelly Michos. She considers the modern lifestyle of our time to be harmful to health, because most people at work or in their leisure time simply sit too much, sometimes up to ten hours a day. The risks are therefore minimized if those affected take regular exercise, such as in a fitness studio. However, a high level of activity during the day for a short period of time is not enough if you spend many hours sitting in the car or at your desk. The health expert, therefore, advises people to simply break out of the comfort zone in everyday life and, for example, visit their colleague in the office on foot, because every person should be able to walk 10,000 steps a day in order to avoid suffering from heart disease, diabetes and cancer later on. A lifestyle change is therefore indicated for most people, as only 20 percent have jobs that involve physical activity. Sedentary activities, according to the American Heart Association, have increased by 83 percent since the 1950s, and with these activities comes a lack of exercise and inactivity, which must be combated, even if it is difficult. 
