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The German bank for pharmacists and physicians (Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank, Apobank for short) and the Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance (Zentralinstitut für die kassenärztliche Versorgung, Zi for short) have found out which and how many takeover costs were incurred recently on the basis of a random sample of doctors setting up in business. For this purpose, 3,500 physicians were surveyed as start-ups; 900 were general practitioners and 2,600 specialists. 95 percent of all start-ups in 2018/2019 were takeovers of already existing medical practices, only five percent were new start-ups.

Accordingly, family physicians who set up in business in 2018 or 2019 invested an average of 160,000 euros in taking over practices. Included in the bill, according to the analysis, are 102,700 euros for the actual takeover and 57,000 euros for medical-technical equipment and IT, as well as modernization and conversion costs. Particularly with the family doctor takeovers, however, a very large spread shows up with the purchase prices of up to 500,000 euro up to donations or symbolic prices for not so popular locations.

The new establishment of a family doctor’s single practice strikes with 178,000 euros on the average. It is more expensive, but both versions show a tendency to increase.

However, the analysis by Apobank and Zi also included the costs of taking over specialist practices, which depend strongly on the individual specialties. While psychotherapeutic practices invest and need on the average only 50,000 euro for the assumption, expenditures of other specializations are more expensive, like gynecological practices with 234,000 euro and orthopedic practices with even 368,000 euro. The explanation can be found in the different equipment with medical-technical equipment.
