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The hospital study „Schleudersitz Krankenhausgeschäftsführer“ by BDO Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft and the German Hospital Institute (DKI) with the support of the Association of Hospital Directors in Germany (VDK) investigates the assumption that hospitals change their managing directors more frequently than health insurance companies change their board members.

According to the study, turnover is relatively high, with an average of 2.5 managing directors in ten years. There are many reasons for this. However, differences with the supervisory board regarding the company’s strategy or corporate management are often reported, as well as differing opinions with hospital management, lack of economic success or failure to meet care- and patient-related objectives. Most CEOs, however, said they usually bristle at problems with chief medical officers or the works council. Only 62.4 percent and 52.4 percent, respectively, were satisfied with the collaboration. Ten percent even complained of very dissatisfied cooperation, while communication with the supervisory board worked well in 79 percent of cases.

The managing directors were also asked about their future and preferences in their day-to-day work. According to the survey, most of them believe that specialization or an expansion of the range of services will be necessary in the future. 42 and 35 percent of the managing directors, respectively, expect this development, and only six percent expect to close their location afterwards. The freedom to make decisions is also the most important criterion why the managing directors have decided in favor of a particular employment relationship.

The salaries of the participants surveyed increased with the size of the hospital. General managers of hospitals with more than 600 beds earned more, according to the study. However, all participants in the study were not willing to provide information in this range. On average, however, the annual fixed salary amounts to 178,000 euros, and for managing directors with over 600 beds even 226,000 euros. With 60 per cent of the managing directors then however still success-dependent remunerations of 31,200 euro per year on the average are added, so that on the average a managing director salary with 210,00 euro turns out.

Hospital management is still, as it was ten years ago, a male domain with 82 percent men and 18 percent women. At hospitals with more than 600 beds, the proportion of women drops to just seven percent. The average age of the managing directors is 52, with 20 years of management experience in most cases. 37 percent of the managing directors have a fixed-term employment contract. Here, too, the larger the hospital, the more often the employment contract is only temporary; for over 600 beds, 58 percent of all managing director contracts are temporary.
