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The Digital Health Award has been around since 2018, well before the Corona pandemic. It contributes to the improvement of healthcare in Germany with good ideas and innovations. This year’s event „Digital Health Award 2021“ has taken place at a virtual meeting of Novartis Pharma, because digital concepts in particular are important for the high-quality care of patients in the Corona crisis and have great potential for the future. Among the 70 applicants of innovative ideas, the best were selected with the help of a team of judges. The prize is worth a total of 60,000 euros. The virtual event was moderated by Ranga Yogeshwar.

First place in this year’s „Digital Health Award 2021“ was recently awarded to the „Mentalis“ program, which serves to improve aftercare for people with mental illnesses who have left the hospital and need follow-up therapy. The „Mentalis“ project as an app on prescription is a link between sectors across borders, between digital and analog aftercare for mental illness.

Second place went to FIMO Health UG, who have developed a digital solution for people with fatigue syndrome, which is a major issue especially in cancer and multiple sclerosis (MS).

The public and special prize „#SelbstbestimmtImAlter“ was awarded to the app „StomAware“, which helps people with an artificial bowel outlet (enterostoma) to have a better quality of life. In many cases, people affected by a serious intestinal disease are given an artificial bowel outlet that needs to be cared for. Aids such as stoma bags, which are attached to the skin and collect excreta, must be checked regularly. In this context, the filling level of the stoma bags is extremely important. The „Stomaware“ app alerts the wearer in real time when the pouch is slowly approaching critical fill and needs to be emptied/replaced. The automatic system is compatible with all stoma supplies from well-known manufacturers and is easy for the user to operate.

Franz Müntefering, Chairman of the Federal Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organizations (BAGSO), under whose patronage the prize was awarded, is convinced by the project because it enables older people in particular to live independently with an artificial bowel outlet.
