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After years of pressure from organizations and professional associations, the Federal Insurance Office has included chronic pain disorder in its future catalog of 80 diagnostic groups which are part of the morbidity-based risk adjustment (Morbi-RSA).

The organizations and professional associations are now hoping that the health funds will quickly improve the provision of pain management. Especially seriously ill, chronically ill, old, multimorbid and dying patients need individual pain management treatment which is currently not guaranteed across the board.

Commentary: For a statutory health fund, the inclusion of a disease in the morbidity-based risk adjustment can mean a significant increase in payments for this patient group from the statutory health fund reserves. Health funds will therefore also be interested in a care provision concept in this area. The open questions for pharmacies, homecare companies and manufacturers from this area are: What type of care provision models can be developed? How can profitable models be developed in cooperation with other service providers?

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