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The American management theorist and economics professor Michael E. Porter, who has made a name for himself in previous years with, among other things, his suggestions to reform health care systems, has criticized the German health system.

In an interview with the magazine ‚Stern‘ he berated the fact that the current system is organized around the doctors. "The patient with his problems gets lost in this system, he is not included when his own heath is involved."

Despite the many hospitals and visits to the doctor, the quality of treatment was medium-level a best, for example for diabetes, asthma, and heart diseases, but also for some types of cancer.

Porter is demanding that treatment and provision of care should be guided by the patient’s symptoms. "This includes, for instance, integrated therapy units, also specialized, interdisciplinary teams who jointly treat a disease and measure therapy results."

Costs will only be contained in future, if the orientation is towards quality, i.e. "More quality for no cost." This involves: "Hospitals and doctors should be legally required to measure the results of their work and the costs and to publish them."

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