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EBA decides on remuneration for ePA activities

SHI-accredited physicians and psychotherapists must bill the statutory health insurance funds according to a standardized evaluation scale (EBM). The Extended Evaluation Committee (EBA) has just finalized how the activities of physicians in relation to the electronic...

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NetDoktor takes action against highlighted health portal

The health portal GmbH has taken legal action against a cooperation between the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and Google and has been provisionally granted a preliminary injunction. The judgment pronounced by the 37th Civil Chamber of the Munich...

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Many more video consultations in psychotherapy

An analysis of results from Techniker Krankenkasse's (TK) billing data found that psychotherapy video consultations have multiplied eightfold since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic.In the first quarter of 2020, 29,000 therapy consultations were billed to TK, while...

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